ZENERGY generates real-time analysis of your data and prevents failures, controlling all the critical consumption variables. By knowing the current values of these indicators, ZENERGY's operator anticipates and prevents poor performance or equipment malfunctions. In turn, predicts and optimizes operational capacity applied to your production processes.
ZENERGY allows you to monitor any of the measurement points and their consumption levels and issue alerts if they exceed your pre-defined values. By combining simple alarms, you can create more complex scenarios which will trigger if the combination of conditions are satisfied.
The ZENERGY's alarms have the attribute of being scalable. This means that if any alarm gets triggered, and the operator responsible for executing a corrective action doesn't take the necessary steps, the alarm is triggered again but this time to his direct supervisor.
You can scale as many levels as necessary, repeat the notification to the same or to different persons and define the time-frame before sending the alarm to the next level.
The events execute a pre-defined response whenever an alarm is triggered. Some events are in charge of running simple actions, like notifying an event has happened, while others carry out complex actions such as changing a value in a device. This function is vital for all automation process.
ZENERGY supports Maintenance Events for maintenance automatization, audit processes, programmed stops or standby of equipments.
ZENERGY saves an alarm history including the time when the event was triggered, the steps taken to solve it and the communication among operators appointed to solve it.
When an alarm gets triggered, for example, you can let know all the employees that the problem was solved. This allows recording and channeling all the information associated to your processes within the system and prevents dispersal of valuable data that will occur by using other means (mail, messaging, phone, etc..).
ZENERGY allows you to stablished consumption or value goals within any periods of time and control their fulfillment by analyzing the data gathered from different data sources.
Through historical analysis and comparisons with the same periods in previous times, you can develop a consistent strategy for reducing carbon emissions or energy consumption in your organization.
Communicates effectively your consumption objectives.
Monitors and automatizes alarms and events in order to achieve them.
Compare your current consumption against your goals and objectives.
Review whether expectations and reality are aligned, thus taking early action to correct wrong values.
ZENERGY's billing system allows you to audit your energy provider's invoice, verifying that no error in the invoice exists. Based on our own experience, provider's invoice many times have differences between the actual measurement of your consumption and the one informed in your invoice.
ZENERGY has an advanced fare system, unique in its kind. ZENERGY allows in-depth control over rates, taking into account timing and special conditions, fixed charges, government taxes, and so on, creating a very accurate model that mimics the one of your energy provider.
ZENERGY also allows you to audit the quality of energy of your energy provider, or track and record power outages, which later can be used for filling up your complain. Forecasting your future energy's cost based on your past consumption is the key to prevent an unpleasant surprise.
Contrast energy consumption of your building in detail, rather than rely only on the invoice from your supplier totality.
Don't rely any longer just in your provider's invoice, take control of your budget.
Discover usage trends and plan your production wisely.
Fill a complain to your provider and ask for economical refunds.
Compare different provider's rates and find the best supplier.
Zenergy leads firms to constant improvement in efficiency, sustainability and energy management expenses.
ZENERGY has energy analysis tools unique in its kind, helping you to manage your properties and devices, greatly simplifying data collection, processing and later analysis.
ZENERGY can generate customized reports, where you can individualize or grouping your information at will, by analyzing the behavior of your building and its consumption over time.
ZENERGY's charting features are highly customizable, allowing you to select time periods for grouping per minutes or days to week or months, among others. This parameterization is very simple and can be done by any employee in your company. ZENERGY reports can be exportorted to Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, etc.), Adobe (PDF) and other standard formats on the market.
Anomalies Identification: Discover which equipments are malfunctioning in your building. Identify whether the consumption of them are correct and the key factors that lead to it, or if they need adjustment. Discover energy "wasting" and the actions to correct it.
Real-time tracking: All reports include online information, not offline or pre-processed data, so you are able to take real-time actions.
Highly customizable: ZENERGY allows you to visualize any variable in your industry and choose which type of graph to represent it, share your charts with other users, or see all your charts all together in an integrated view.
ZENERGY allows to access all your equipment and your building's information without ever putting at risk your production processes. The data adquisition has been designed taking into account industries that can not halt their production line by factors unrelated to operational decisions. Therefore, ZENERGY respects the highest standards of quality and safety for corporate software development.
Cloud solutions helps you eliminate the time and cost of an initial deployment, lowering TCO and allowing companies to start using them without a considerable capital upfront.
Java Engine: ZENERGY's heart is a powerful engine that ensures maximum performance and scalability regardless of the number of devices connected.
Supports thousands of energy meters and devices and can be accessed by any amount of concurrent users.
The Engine allows analysis of energy quality, wave shape display, harmonic lines and distortions, among others.
ZENERGY identifies opportunities to reduce carbon emissions and contribute to the achievement of organizational objectives, keeping emission levels within the allowable criteria.
Due to its API with XML Web service, ZENERGY is easily integrated into any system.
By its modular design, scalability is assured and with it, the process of adapting to any market transformation or organizational needs becomes relatively easy.
Zenergy geared your company towards a "green management", helping you to reduce costs associated with energy consumption and CO2 emissions.